94% of our products are made and shipped from the United States in order to speed up your delivery times. Why only 94%? Because we too, know a Great Deal when we see one!

Since 2018, Gaia Natal has searched high and low for the best deals on the highest quality Mindfulness products in the world and passed those savings on to you. Gaia Natal and all its members are advocates of the Collective Consciousness, that is the Source of Love, Joy, and Peace. We are committed to the healing of Mother Gaia (Earth), and to the healing of our fellow mankind, in which we know, As One, we shall do together.


From Our House to Yours

Example product title


  • Folding Cushioned Meditation Floor Chair (In 8 Colors)

    The Backjack chair is a lightweight easy-to-store chair which is great to use as a meditation support, beach chair, gaming chair, also great for seminars or camping. It is lightweight and easy to store, fold and carry. Especially convenient for those of us with back issues.

    Meditation Floor Chair 
  • High Quality, Durable 6 Speeds Handheld Massager with 4 head types

    Powerful Muscle Relaxing Massager with 6 different speeds. 4 Different heads for you to change for different, deep muscle massages.The massager can activate the muscles, stimulate blood flow, reduce muscle recovery time, relieve pain, and relaxes from head to toe.

  • One-of-a-Kind Peace & Om Symbol Patchwork Jhola Carry-All Bag

    Exclusive and colorful handmade Jhala carry bags with beautiful flower-child style embroidered patchwork of peace and om spiritual symbols! A fun and unique way to store your important items like yoga/workout gear or books for school or college, a trip to the market, festival or a picnic!

    Patchwork Carry-All 
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